Saturday, 31 March 2012

My new haircut

Do you like my new haircut?
It cost $17, but I made the hairdresser work for it.
If I ask mummy nicely I can style it in to a mohawk!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Raa Raa!

Eating some breakfast and watching my favourite carton, Raa Raa the Noisy Lion!


I am stuck at home again this week. Mummy won't let me go to day care and see my friends because I am sick again. This will be my third dose of antibiotics since I started day care!
I have a cold and everyone keeps calling me snottygobble.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Progress update

Last week I stayed home from daycare as I had another cold. With all my spare time I learnt to pull myself up on almost anything. I can stand up next to the couch, a door, a door frame or anything else that doesn't move.
I can eat lumpy purée's and am starting to get used to eating some of what Mummy and Daddy are having. I particularly like it when she has tuna sandwiches.

Swimming with Daddy

I like swimming with Daddy and chewing on my bath book.
Watch out for that sneaky pool creepy though!
Summer is over and this might be one of the last swims I get this season.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Eight months

I am eight months old now so I thought I would stop playing and tell you all the things I like.
My favorite things are pear, playing with my awesome brother Connor, chewing on my Suncream bottle, swimming, splashing in my baby bath and hanging out in my new swing.
I don't like Panadol or pavlova.
For my eight month birthday Mummy and I went to Sizzler with Isabelle, Ella, Noah and Kate.
Most nights I sleep through from 7pm to 6:30am with a quick sleepy feed at 10:30pm.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Thursday, 8 March 2012

First love bite!

I was playing at Daycare when a girl came over and bit me on the head! It hurt and I yelled at her. I must have looked tasty.
I am all better now though.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Where did everyone go?

One minute everyone was here and the next minute I was on my own! Come back and snuggle with me!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

My first plane flight

I enjoyed my plane trip to Darwin. I even had my own seat and meal.
I saw crocodiles, lizards, froggies and fishies.
Daddy took me to The Tap, for a drink.
I fed the fish and they tried to eat my toes!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Riley's first post

Hello! My name is Riley Mann.
If you follow my blog I will show you all the things I like.