Friday, 12 October 2012

Rotary Park Wanneroo

Mummy, Connor and I went to Rotary Park yesterday. We had a picnic with Isla and Isabelle (and their mummy's).
Connor took Isla and I on the swings and Mummy took me on the spinning green teacup ride! We were having such a good time that Mummy forgot to take very many pictures.

Mummy did get some pictures of one of my girlfriends. Her name is Isla. She is so pretty!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Oakover Winery

Today, Mummy and Aunty Kareena took me out for lunch to Oakover Winery.
Isla's Mummy, Laura was there too, but she didn't bring Isla :-(
We played on the lawn and had pizza for lunch.

Singing in the bath

I had my twelve month injections yesterday. I managed to fool mummy into thinking I was sick for two months so that I didn't have to have my needles. My luck finally ran out.
It wasn't too bad. The nice nurse had bubbles to play with after.
This is a picture of me splashing and singing in the bath tonight.

This is me playing with Connor. I like his hat!