Sunday, 20 October 2013


Mummy took me to a free fair at Alexander Heights shopping centre. We had popcorn and my first fairy floss.
I like the ba'lloon!

We fell asleep!

When you are sick, just one Raffie isn't enough.

Connor's 11th birthday cake.

Sand, sand, sand!

Hello camera!

My cute cousin Elena

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Trains, Colours and 101st Birthday

These are the colour charts that I made with Mummy. Look! I have cars to match them all!

This is me playing at Great Granny's 101st birthday party.
Aunty Chelsea helped me with my puzzle.

No Mummy! You can't catch me! I'm going to lick everything off this beater!

Bath time painting

Too cool for my TV

Trains at Castledare with Laura and Isla. Mummy let me help take the photos.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

TV and Art

Can't eat! Watching cartoons!

My beautiful coloring in.

Love from my family and friends

A selection of my cards

Grandma and Grandpa Gallash
Aunty Lynn and Uncle Bob

Grandma and Grandad Morris
Great Granny Dennis

Aunty Chelsea
Aunty Narrelle, Uncle Damian and Elena
Aunty Kareena and Uncle Jeremy

My wonderful day care family, Nadia, Nathan, Ella and Zoe

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Riley's second birthday

Today was all about me and my cars! Thank you Connor for helping me with my candles.

My first scooter from Nadia, Nathan, Zoe and Ella.

Aunty Chelsea and Connor helping me with my presents.

Yummy cars cake!

Racing teddies, including road rage teddies!

Cousin Elena, Grandad and Grandma

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Saturday, 15 June 2013

June part 2

Stacks on Daddy!

Watching Connor play football.

Riding the cars with Izzy at Coventry Markets Morley.

Bath time with my bear toothbrush.

The difficult choosing process. Will it be Nemo or Toy Story?
Nah... We will just watch Cars again!